"Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit." - The Apostle Paul, Philippians 4:17 ESV
Like Paul, we are committed to discipleship that includes opportunities for generosity in support of the local church, as well as our ministry partners here and abroad.

Dunes Bible Camp
Located in Ocean Park, Washington, The Dunes is a Christ-centered, Bible-based, relational camp facility committed to doing the Lord's work by spreading the love of Christ to youth. They also host annual men's and women's retreats, and demonstrate commitment to the ongoing discipleship of youth when they return their communities by partnering with church leaders to help build up those local ministries.
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Washington (Mason-Thurston County Chapter)
Founded in 1937, CEF unapologetically brings the gospel to children at every opportunity, partnering with churches and schools to create millions of opportunities every year for these precious young ones to profess faith in Christ.
Options Pregnancy Clinic
Serving women, men, and families by offering hope, healing, and real compassion, Options provides accurate medical information, education, and support to those who are facing pregnancy issues, all completely free.
Church Venture Northwest
CVNW exists to strengthen, revitalize, and plant churches, mobilizing its network to coach leaders to be doctrinally sound, missionally driven, and culturally sensitive .